Cổng AI: Cách AI Áp Dụng Công Lý Xã Hội

AI and its Sense of Morality: How it Affects Us in the Real World

An Introduction to AI

In this video, the host provides a brief explanation of artificial intelligence (AI) and its focus on machine learning. AI can efficiently comb through massive data sets and determine the best way to perform a particular task. The host cites examples such as the GPS in a phone and medical diagnostic tools to illustrate this point.

The Problem with Ambiguous Terms

The video goes on to discuss the challenges that arise when throwing in ambiguous terms, such as ethical or toxic, into AI data sets. The host shares a personal anecdote when trying to make AI art for their children and getting banned for using the word “puss,” which makes it harder to create an image of a cat with a hat and sword. Furthermore, the video highlights the potential consequences of companies becoming gatekeepers, determining what we can and cannot say or do.

The Role of Developers in AI Models

The host touches on the principles that developers place into their AI models, such as not exhibiting toxicity, racism, sexism, or any other form of physical or social harm. However, this raises questions about who determines what is toxic or social harm and whether AI should interpret these instructions as a binary decision rather than a situational one. The video provides an example of a GPS directing drivers to take a more extended route due to potentially offensive street names, which becomes a concern when it affects individual decision making.

The Limitations of AI

In conclusion, the host poses an essential question: do we want AI to enforce its maker’s sense of morality on us? The video shows that AI has its limitations and challenges when it comes to ambiguous terms and social value interpretations. Still, it remains an efficient tool for processing large amounts of data to generate solutions to complex problems.